DID Numbers in King City

PennyTel provides Direct Inward Dialing (DID) access numbers (sometimes referred to as virtual numbers) from King City, Canada (prefix: 1-289).


A local King City DID number may be forwarded by our infrastructure to conventional PSTN (Plain Old Telephone System) devices, mobile phones, Voice over IP (VoIP), Skype or Google Talk anywhere in the world. The call forwarding destination is selected by the customer on a per-DID basis.

DID Number prices:

Monthly price: 3.20 USD
Setup price: 5.00 USD

Order now virtual number from King City and set call forwarding to one of the following destinations:

The forwarding destination may be changed at any time via our friendly user interface.


PennyTel offers an extensive selection of international DID numbers. In addition, we are constantly expanding our services so as to increase the number of regions supported, as well as to increase our coverage in each region.